I am not traffic hunter o traffic monger..
I am not da servant of fcuking nuff..
n not making money from diz blog..
So, PLEASE avoid diz kind of fcuking-annnoying phrases ;
Datang up traffic..
Melawat nuff..
Click2 nuff awak..
Datang nak tembak nuff..
Melawat awak,dtg melawat balik taw..up traffic..
Catch up traffic..
n so on n so forth..
I am not traffic-fcuking monger..
So, 2 words for traffic sucker like u ;
Second, I am not obsessss wif follower..
No need to follow if u juz want me to follow u back..
Like this ;
Hye,follow awak..awak follow kite taw.. (pastu ade smiley2 bodo)
Datang follow,jgn lupe follow balik..
Follow u,follow me back k..
n so on n so forth..
Same words for u ;
Last but not d end ;
GET LOST n so long traffic sucker!!!
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Juz image from google search engine |
i dah follow u...
plez follow i balik tau...
wargh kah kah kah...
hahaha..marah sungguh ye..ilek2.bese la tu.ragam manusia kan.
aku tak kesah pon mde2 tu sume.
blogging untuk hepi2.bukan untuk marah2 orang yang tak bersalah.hehehe
haha...lek ah sayang....jangan marah2....nanti cepat tua...dah tak hensem....
hehehe cool brader~
ecece =)
follow kite semula.."
pergi je blog org cmtu..
tulis kat chatbox die
just kidding beb..
Long live non-profit bloggers.
hai. i dah kelik2.. hahaha
siyes maCy takpnah kelik satu pn, unless btol2 nak tau sal ads tu. kejam ke? kejam ke?
singgah kejap... miahahaaa eh kang rasta marah.. tu pasal aku buang cbox mat, rasa xselesa org spam banyak2 huu,
oh agreed with padin. macy pikiaq jugak~
hai rastamat~~~~~~ ;D
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