We're Here

Jun 22, 2010

Tahniah Guwa RastaMat; Setahun sudah berlalu...

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Terima Kasih trex (baca: klik gambar)

Perasaan Guwa??

Gembira dan sangat bersyukur

7 Blog yang layak menerima anugerah ini??

SEMUA pembaca Guwa RastaMat (baca: bloggers sahaja)


"Terima Kasih tidak terhingga kepada Inche Ammart
kerana beliau yang membangunkan Guwa RastaMat
pada 365 hari yang lalu.
Tanpa Beliau, tiadalah Guwa RastaMat"

~ Semua Anugerah yang Guwa dapat, adalah untuk Beliau ~


Salam Kejayaan buat SEMUA!!!
.Aman Malaysia.

Jun 21, 2010

Pesanan Dari PDRM

If you are driving at night and are attacked with eggs,
do not operate the wiper or spray any water.
You can drive with whatever visibility remaining until you reach a safer place.
Eggs when mixed with water will becomes milky and block your vision up to 92.5%.
Then you are forced to stop at the road side and become a victim of robbers.
This is a new technique used by robbers in Johor Bahru.
So, be careful guys.

Jun 13, 2010

Equation @ Series 7

A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.


Jun 7, 2010

Trouble is A Friend

Trouble he will find you no matter where you go, oh oh.
No matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow, oh oh.
The eye of the storm or the cry in the mourn, oh oh.
You're fine for a while but you start to loose control.

He's there in the dark,
He's there in my heart,
He waits in the winds
He's gotta play a part.
Trouble is a friend,
Yeah trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh!

Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh.
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh.
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh.
So don't forget as you ease on down the road.

He's there in the dark,
He's there in my heart,
He waits in the winds
He's gotta play a part.
Trouble is a friend,
Yeah trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh!

So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.
I won't let him win, but I'm a sucker for his charm.
Trouble is a friend,
Yeah trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh!

Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel.
And how I try to make him leave; I try.
Oh Oh I try!

But he's there in the dark,
He's there in my heart,
He waits in the winds
He's gotta play a part.
Trouble is a friend,
Yeah trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh!

So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.
I won't let him win, but I'm a sucker for his charm.
Trouble is a friend,
Yeah trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh!  

Jun 4, 2010

Siri 6 Dollah

Che'gu Nasyor ditugaskan untuk mengajar Bahasa Inggeris untuk kelas Dollah a.k.a Dol. Beliau memberi "assignment" kepada murid-muridnya untuk  mencari 3 perkataan Inggeris dan kemukakan pada hari Isnin nanti.

Maka tamatlah sesi persekolahan pada hari tersebut.Dol pulang dengan rasa gundah gulana kerana risau dengan tugasan yang diberikan oleh Che'gu Nasyor.
Dalam perjalanan balik, Dol ternampak sepasang suami isteri keluar dari kereta dan sedang menjerit pada satu sama lain. Dol terdengar si lelaki tu menyergah "Shut up you !!".

Sampai di rumah, Dol bertanya kepada apaknya, 
"Abah, 'shut up you' tu bahasa Inggeris ke?" Apaknya hanya mengiyakan sambil menggulung rokok daun bersama tembakau cap kuda.

Perasaan gundah gulana si Dol mula reda.

Selepas mandi dan makan, Dol menonton cerita Superman. Masa Superman nak terbang beliau berteriak "Superman !!!"

Dol tanya apaknya lagi,
"Abah, 'Superman' tu bahasa Inggeris jugak ke?"
Apaknya menjawab 'yes' sambil membelek akhbar.

"Dua perkataan dah dapat"
Desah hati Dol dengan gumbira sambil tersenyum riang.

Selepas menonton tv, Dol ke perpustakaan.
Dol ternampak ada seorang lelaki dan seorang perempuan sedang bertengkar berebut buku. Pompuan itu menjerit 'Ladies first!!' kepada lelaki itu.

Setibanya di rumah, Dol bertanya lagi kepada apaknya dengan penuh teruja dan apaknya kata itupun Bahasa Inggeris.
Hati Dol sangat gembira kerana dapat menyiapkan tugasan yang diberikan oleh Che'gu Nasyor dengan sempurna.
Dol tidak sabar-sabar mahu menunggu hari Isnin.

Hari Isnin telah tiba.
Kelas Bahasa Inggeris pun dimulakan oleh Che'gu Nasyor.

Che'gu : "OK Dol, did you get the words?"
Dol      : "Yes, teacher".
Che'gu : "Good, what is your first word?"
Dol      :"Shut up you!!"
Che'gu : "What did you say? Are you mad? Who do you think you are?
Dol      : "Superman !!!"
Che'gu : "Bloody fool! Get out from this class!"
Dol      : "Ladies First!!"

Che'gu : @!#$%^&*(*&&^^%#@@#$%^***!!!!!!